Speculative 66
Current Issue
Specters and Contributors
Issue Twenty Contributors
Issue Nineteen Contributors
Issue Eighteen Contributors
Issue Seventeen Contributors
Issue Sixteen Contributors
Issue Fifteen Contributors
Issue Fourteen Contributors
Issue Thirteen Contributors
Issue Twelve Contributors
Issue Eleven Contributors
Issue Ten Contributors
Issue Nine Contributors
Issue Eight Contributors
Issue Seven Contributors
Issue Six Contributors
Issue Five Contributors
Issue Four Contributors
Issue Three Contributors
Issue Two Contributors
Issue One Contributors
Past Issues
Audio Stories
Issue Twenty
Issue Nineteen
Issue Eighteen
Issue Seventeen
Issue Sixteen
Issue Fifteen
Issue Fourteen
Issue Thirteen
Issue Twelve
Issue Eleven
Issue Ten
Issue Nine
Issue Eight
Issue Seven
Issue Six
Issue Five
Issue Four
Issue Three
Issue Two
Issue One
Spec Recs
Issue Seventeen Contributors
Kerry E.B. Black skips through the land where George A. Romero made zombies a cultural statement. Steel runs through her veins, and bridges span rivers proverbial and actual. Please follow this First Reader for "Postcard Poems and Prose" and occasional anthology contributor at www.facebook.com, https://kerrylizblack.wordpress.com/, and https://twitter.com/BlackKerryblick
Kenny A. Chaffin writes poetry, fiction and nonfiction and has published poems and fiction in Microfiction Monday Magazine, 365 Tomorrows, Speculative 66, 101 Word Stories, James Gunn’s Ad Astra, Star*Line, nonfiction in The Writer, The Electron, Writers Journal and others. He grew up in southern Oklahoma and now lives in Denver, CO where he works hard to make enough of a living to support two cats, numerous wild birds and a bevy of squirrels. His poetry, fiction and other work is available at Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B007S3SMY8. He may be contacted through his website at http://www.kacweb.com.
Maria DePaul is a writer based in Washington, DC, whose work has been featured in Haiku Journal, Nature Writing, Poetry Quarterly, Three Line Poetry, Wax Poetry and Art, and "Nine Lives: A Life in 10 Minutes Anthology." Look for her work in upcoming issues of Illumen, Plum Tree Tavern, Violet Windows, and Scifaikuest.
Emma Grave lives near the forest of Cannock Chase in the UK with her husband and house rabbit. (@GraveStories) and website (https://emmagrave.com/)
Rhys Hughes has lived in many different countries. He now works as a tutor of mathematics. His first book was published in 1995 and since that time he has published more than forty books and eight hundred short stories in ten different languages. @rhysaurus https://rhysaurus.blogspot.co.uk/
Alan Katerinsky does network assurance for a big company in a big building. His poetry collection 'Crossing Paths at Midnight' (2017 CWP Collective Press) is currently a nominee for the Elgin Award. Alan's writing has appeared in a variety of markets including Star*Line, Scifaikuest, and FrostFire Worlds.
Herb Kauderer is an associate professor of English at Hilbert College, and the author of many short stories and poems including the recent mini-chapbook 'Cascade of Stardust'. His writing has been nominated for the Pushcart, Elgin, Analog AnLab Reader's, Rhysling, and Dwarf Star Awards, and has won the Asimov's Readers' Award, the Ewaipanoma Sonnet contest, and a WorldCon Poetry Slam among others. More can be found at his website HerbKauderer.com.
Sergio Manghina is a regular contributor to Carpe Nocturne Magazine. His interests span different topics related to music, literature, cinema and art, with a special focus on Goth, Cyberpunk, Dark-Ambient and Noir. He's also intrigued by the paranormal, mysterious facts and unexplained phenomena. His articles have appeared in several publications, newspapers, magazines and journals including Hi Folks in Italy, PlayMusic in Norway and Noize Makes Enemies in the UK. He has also published several poems. http://www.i-m.mx/Lilienthal98/sergiomanghina/
Joshua Scully is an American History teacher from Uniontown, Pennsylvania. His fiction can be found at www.jjscully.wordpress.com or @jojascully.
Mikaela Norkus lives in Toronto, Canada as a young poet who lives in the stories she reads. She aspires to create worlds for people to fall into, like so many authors have done for her. When her nose is not buried in her journal of poetry, Mikaela can be found strolling through random historical sites, searching for meaning in her life.
Ahimaz Rajessh has been published with unFold, formercactus, The Cabinet of Heed, Speculative 66, Big Echo: Critical SF, Liminality, The Airgonaut, Occulum, Surreal Poetics, Jersey Devil Press and Jellyfish Review besides many other zines.
Len Saculla lives in London, UK. He has been a Pushcart Nominee. He has previously been published in British publications such as "Theaker's Quarterly", "BFS Journal", "Unspoken Water" and "Wordland"; as well as several American anthologies form Kind of a Hurricane Press. His story “Just When You Thought It Was Safe” was in issue15 of “Speculative 66”.
Cindy O’Quinn writes dark poetry and stories while maintaining a simplistic lifestyle on an old homestead in the woods of northern Maine. Author of the spec fic novel, Dark Cloud on Naked Creek, and the dark poetry collection, Return to Graveyard Dust. Works published in Sanitarium Magazine, Bewildering Stories, Rat’s Ass Review, Moonchild Magazine, The Paragon Journal, Blood Moon Rising Magazine, and others. Active member - HWA Follow of Facebook for updates @CindyOQuinnWriter
Current Issue
Specters and Contributors
Issue Twenty Contributors
Issue Nineteen Contributors
Issue Eighteen Contributors
Issue Seventeen Contributors
Issue Sixteen Contributors
Issue Fifteen Contributors
Issue Fourteen Contributors
Issue Thirteen Contributors
Issue Twelve Contributors
Issue Eleven Contributors
Issue Ten Contributors
Issue Nine Contributors
Issue Eight Contributors
Issue Seven Contributors
Issue Six Contributors
Issue Five Contributors
Issue Four Contributors
Issue Three Contributors
Issue Two Contributors
Issue One Contributors
Past Issues
Audio Stories
Issue Twenty
Issue Nineteen
Issue Eighteen
Issue Seventeen
Issue Sixteen
Issue Fifteen
Issue Fourteen
Issue Thirteen
Issue Twelve
Issue Eleven
Issue Ten
Issue Nine
Issue Eight
Issue Seven
Issue Six
Issue Five
Issue Four
Issue Three
Issue Two
Issue One
Spec Recs