Speculative 66
Current Issue
Specters and Contributors
Issue Twenty Contributors
Issue Nineteen Contributors
Issue Eighteen Contributors
Issue Seventeen Contributors
Issue Sixteen Contributors
Issue Fifteen Contributors
Issue Fourteen Contributors
Issue Thirteen Contributors
Issue Twelve Contributors
Issue Eleven Contributors
Issue Ten Contributors
Issue Nine Contributors
Issue Eight Contributors
Issue Seven Contributors
Issue Six Contributors
Issue Five Contributors
Issue Four Contributors
Issue Three Contributors
Issue Two Contributors
Issue One Contributors
Past Issues
Audio Stories
Issue Twenty
Issue Nineteen
Issue Eighteen
Issue Seventeen
Issue Sixteen
Issue Fifteen
Issue Fourteen
Issue Thirteen
Issue Twelve
Issue Eleven
Issue Ten
Issue Nine
Issue Eight
Issue Seven
Issue Six
Issue Five
Issue Four
Issue Three
Issue Two
Issue One
Spec Recs
Issue Four Contributors
Kenny A. Chaffin writes poetry, fiction and nonfiction and has published poems and fiction in Microfiction Monday Magazine, 365 Tomorrows, James Gunn’s Ad Astra, Eunoia Review, Star*Line, nonfiction in The Writer, The Electron, Writers Journal and others. He grew up in southern Oklahoma and now lives in Denver, CO where he works hard to make enough of a living to support two cats, numerous wild birds and a bevy of squirrels. His poetry, fiction and other work is available at Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B007S3SMY8. He may be contacted through his website at http://www.kacweb.com.
Sara Codair lives in a world of words: she writes fiction whenever she has a free moment, teaches writing at a community college and is known to binge read fantasy novels. When she manages to pry herself away from the words, she can often be found hiking, swimming, gardening or telling people to save the bees. Read her words at https://saracodair.com/.
Caleb Echterling can hum and whistle at the same time. No joke. He tweets funny fiction using the highly original handle @CalebEchterling. You can find more of his writing at www.calebechterling.com.
Will Gilmer is a writer and poet with a penchant (attention span) for short form and abstract styles. He lives in Michigan with his lovingly acquired family, obligatory cat, and odd curios. Available or forthcoming in Transmudane Press’ “After the Happily Ever After” anthology, Firefly Magazine, 200ccs, and Empyreome. Follow him @willwritethings.
Russell Hemmell is an alien from Mintaka snuggled into a (consenting) human host. Recent Stories in Not One of Us, SQ Mag, Strangelet, and elsewhere. Blog: earthianhivemind.net Twitter handler: @SPBianchini
A. Elizabeth Herting is an aspiring freelance writer and busy mother of three living in colorful Colorado. She has had short stories featured in Bewildering Stories, Peacock Journal, Dark Fire Fiction, Friday Fiction, Under the Bed, 50-Word Stories and Fictive Dream. She has also published non-fiction work in Denver Pieces Magazine and bioStories. More info is available on sites.google.com/site/aehertingwriter/home and www.facebook.com/AElizabethHerting
Karen Heslop writes from Kingston, Jamaica. Her short stories have been published or are upcoming in a Devolution Z anthology, 101 Words Magazine, Untied Shoelaces of the Mind, The Flash Fiction Press, Speculative 66, The Nine Tales Series, Cemetery Moon, The Blotter Mag, Phantaxis Magazine, Bloodbond Magazine and Bards and Sages Quarterly.
LiAnnah Jameson is a middle school English teacher, blogger, aspiring writer, & sleep enthusiast. One day she dreams of changing lives through her writing, but until that day comes, she writes for free. Blog:ifidienowwhowillfeedmycats.wordpress.com
C. A. Love is a writer currently residing in Berlin, Germany and is originally from California.
Marissa LaPorte is currently studying English and literature, writing, and advertising & public relations at Grand Valley State University in Michigan. She recently returned from studying abroad in England. LaPorte has been selected as a winner and a finalist for many flash fiction and short story contests held by Figment.com and she was a runner up in the “Letter’s About Literature Contest" held in Lansing, Michigan. LaPorte has most recently been published in The Flash Fiction Press, The Drabble, Sick Lit Magazine, and 600 Second Saga. Website:https://www.facebook.com/AuthorMarissaLaPorte
Jane Lomas has loved to play with words for as long as she can remember. Jane, amongst other things, was shortlisted for the Norwich Writers' Centre's Escalator Fiction programme, winner at @AdHocFiction, @paragraphplanet and a Mslexia greeting card competition. Has written articles for local newspapers and journals and was the first Chair of the Friends of the Essex Book Festival. She is currently working on a novel but is continually side-tracked by writing competitions and twitter.
Tanner Menard is a poet and composer whose current work reflects his mixed Indigenous and Acadian ancestry. His ancestry includes descendants of the Acadian settlers as well as multiple indigenous lineages such as Atakapa/Ishak and Mi'kmaq as well as other tribes that he has yet to concretely identify. His current foray into the world of performance art and literature reflect his desire to tell the story of his DNA in a multidimensional, hybrid/indigenous/Metis twenty first century language.
Victoria Pearson writes strange short stories and dark fairytales on strangenotebook.blogspot.co.uk and talks politics, sociology and current events on leftungagged.wordpress.com. You can find her drinking coffee and waffling about all sorts of nonsense on twitter, @vspearson85 She has no idea where her keys are.
Jeff Provine is a teacher and curriculum developer in Oklahoma. When he's not leading ghost tours or collecting spooky local folklore in works like Haunted Guthrie or Haunted Oklahoma City, he's writing alternate history steampunk, such as Hellfire and Celestial Voyages. www.jeffprovine.com @jeffprovine
Fred Rock is the alter-ego/pen name of Jim Schott, a mild-mannered and married father of two who lives in a small village in northwestern Wisconsin with his family as well as his dog and a cat who always barfs all over the house. www.fredrockfiction.com @fredrock715
Jesse Sensibar is unafraid to die but terrified of dying alone. He is a warrior, a poet, and a storyteller who is not afraid to dance in public when the mood strikes him.
H. Victory is strange. She lives in Norfolk where she works as a school librarian. She sometimes writes things and has been published on both Postcard Shorts and Daily Science Fiction.
Current Issue
Specters and Contributors
Issue Twenty Contributors
Issue Nineteen Contributors
Issue Eighteen Contributors
Issue Seventeen Contributors
Issue Sixteen Contributors
Issue Fifteen Contributors
Issue Fourteen Contributors
Issue Thirteen Contributors
Issue Twelve Contributors
Issue Eleven Contributors
Issue Ten Contributors
Issue Nine Contributors
Issue Eight Contributors
Issue Seven Contributors
Issue Six Contributors
Issue Five Contributors
Issue Four Contributors
Issue Three Contributors
Issue Two Contributors
Issue One Contributors
Past Issues
Audio Stories
Issue Twenty
Issue Nineteen
Issue Eighteen
Issue Seventeen
Issue Sixteen
Issue Fifteen
Issue Fourteen
Issue Thirteen
Issue Twelve
Issue Eleven
Issue Ten
Issue Nine
Issue Eight
Issue Seven
Issue Six
Issue Five
Issue Four
Issue Three
Issue Two
Issue One
Spec Recs