Speculative 66
Current Issue
Specters and Contributors
Issue Twenty Contributors
Issue Nineteen Contributors
Issue Eighteen Contributors
Issue Seventeen Contributors
Issue Sixteen Contributors
Issue Fifteen Contributors
Issue Fourteen Contributors
Issue Thirteen Contributors
Issue Twelve Contributors
Issue Eleven Contributors
Issue Ten Contributors
Issue Nine Contributors
Issue Eight Contributors
Issue Seven Contributors
Issue Six Contributors
Issue Five Contributors
Issue Four Contributors
Issue Three Contributors
Issue Two Contributors
Issue One Contributors
Past Issues
Audio Stories
Issue Twenty
Issue Nineteen
Issue Eighteen
Issue Seventeen
Issue Sixteen
Issue Fifteen
Issue Fourteen
Issue Thirteen
Issue Twelve
Issue Eleven
Issue Ten
Issue Nine
Issue Eight
Issue Seven
Issue Six
Issue Five
Issue Four
Issue Three
Issue Two
Issue One
Spec Recs
Issue Eighteen Contributors
Allen Ashley works as a creative writing tutor in north London, UK. He runs the advanced science fiction and fantasy group Clockhouse London Writers. He is the judge for the annual British Fantasy Society Short Story Competition. His story “Be My Valentine” featured in “Speculative 66” issue 16. www.allenashley.com
Brad Baumgartner is a writer, theorist, and Assistant Teaching Professor of English at Penn State. His creative work has recently appeared in Words Dance, Queen Mob's Teahouse, Vestiges, Minor Literature[s], and others.
Erik Bergholm is a poet and writer living on the shores of Lake Superior. His work can be found online in The Shot Glass Journal, Visitant Lit, and in the upcoming October issue of HelloHorror.
Kerry E.B. Black skips through the land where George A. Romero made zombies a cultural statement. Steel runs through her veins, and bridges span rivers proverbial and actual. Please follow this First Reader for "Postcard Poems and Prose" and occasional anthology contributor at www.facebook.com, https://kerrylizblack.wordpress.com/, and https://twitter.com/BlackKerryblick
Kyle Bolan is a fiction author who enjoys writing strange stories. He spends his free time reading and listening to records. Follow him on Twitter @KyleBolan
Kenny A. Chaffin writes poetry, fiction and nonfiction and has published work in Mobius: The Journal of Social Change, Adelaide, Microfiction Monday Magazine, 365 Tomorrows, Star*Line, Speculative 66, James Gunn’s Ad Astra, 101 Word Stories, and others. He grew up in southern Oklahoma and now lives in Denver where he works hard to support two cats, numerous wild birds and a bevy of squirrels. His poetry collections and other works are available at http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B007S3SMY8. More information at http://www.kacweb.com.
J.B. Forest (thecreepywriterpasta.wordpress.com) has been writing fiction and poetry all of their life. Located in an unknown part of the world, their aspiration in life is to write for the entertainment of the people.
Kristin Garth is a poet from Pensacola who writes an inordinate amount of sonnets. You can read her sonnets and other poetry in Occulum, Infernal Ink, Anti-Heroin Chic, Fourth & Sycamore, Quail Bell, Mookychick, Digging Through the Fat and many other publications. Follow her on Twitter: @lolaandjolie or check out her published writing on Kristingarth.wordpress.com.
Irene lives on the Canadian Prairies doing good things and growing her cat collection. Her stories and poetry have been published in print anthologies and online at 365 Tomorrows, Flash Fiction Magazine, Speculative 66 and Poetry Soup, with an upcoming bite-sized flash in Serious Flash Fiction. Follow her on Twitter @_Irene_Dreams_
Rhys Hughes has lived in many different countries. He now works as a tutor of mathematics. His first book was published in 1995 and since that time he has published more than forty books and eight hundred short stories in ten different languages. @rhysaurus https://rhysaurus.blogspot.co.uk/
Alan Katerinsky does network assurance for a big company in a big building. His poetry collection 'Crossing Paths at Midnight' (2017 CWP Collective Press) is currently a nominee for the Elgin Award. Alan's writing has appeared in a variety of markets including Star*Line, Scifaikuest, and FrostFire Worlds.
Herb Kauderer is an associate professor of English at Hilbert College, and the author of many short stories and poems including the recent mini-chapbook 'Cascade of Stardust'. His writing has been nominated for the Pushcart, Elgin, Analog AnLab Reader's, Rhysling, and Dwarf Star Awards, and has won the Asimov's Readers' Award, the Ewaipanoma Sonnet contest, and a WorldCon Poetry Slam among others. More can be found at his website HerbKauderer.com.
Joshua Scully is an American History teacher from Uniontown, Pennsylvania. His fiction can be found at www.jjscully.wordpress.com or @jojascully.
Evan James Sheldon's work has appeared in Spelk, Flash Fiction Magazine, and Dually Noted. He is a junior editor for F(r)iction.
Leslie D. Soule is a fantasy/sci-fi writer who lives in Sacramento, CA. She holds an M.A. from National University in the field of English and is currently working on book 4 of her fantasy series, The Fallenwood Chronicles.
Michael St Pierre Michael St. Pierre grew up outside of Chicago before moving to Wichita, Kansas by way of Cleveland, Ohio. He lives with his supportive wife and teaches science in a small-town high school. His free time is spent reading and writing, outdoors, if possible on a beach.
Miles Rausch is a writer for people and a writer for computers. Website: http://miles.ink Twitter: https://twitter.com/awayken
Guy Ricketts is a writer, artist and photographer. His stories have been published in Speculative 66, 101 Words, and Twisted Sister Lit Mag. His art was featured on the cover of Schlock! Webzine. He can be followed on Twitter @GuyRicketts
Evyan Roberts is a queer, fat, femme who is deeply committed to intersectional feminism and #blackgirlmagic. She holds a BA in English with a concentration in Creative Writing from Wells College and has won the H. Helena Zachos Prize for Fiction in 2007. She works as a Medical Librarian and is pursuing a Masters in Social Work. She currently lives in Maryland.
Marty Weiss has had his stories published in a number of magazines, including “The Sun” and “The Good Old Days,” as well as in several regional newspapers and Sunday magazines. He is seeking a publisher for a recently completed historical novel.
Andrew Wheatley (@unclepapples) has been writing fiction and poetry for most of their life. They are located just south of Atlanta, Georgia. Their only aspiration is to write so well that everyone hates them.
Marja Ziemer is an undergraduate studying English and art history at California State University of Northridge. She has published writing in The Sundial and The Northridge Review. She was born and raised in the San Fernando Valley and currently resides there.
Current Issue
Specters and Contributors
Issue Twenty Contributors
Issue Nineteen Contributors
Issue Eighteen Contributors
Issue Seventeen Contributors
Issue Sixteen Contributors
Issue Fifteen Contributors
Issue Fourteen Contributors
Issue Thirteen Contributors
Issue Twelve Contributors
Issue Eleven Contributors
Issue Ten Contributors
Issue Nine Contributors
Issue Eight Contributors
Issue Seven Contributors
Issue Six Contributors
Issue Five Contributors
Issue Four Contributors
Issue Three Contributors
Issue Two Contributors
Issue One Contributors
Past Issues
Audio Stories
Issue Twenty
Issue Nineteen
Issue Eighteen
Issue Seventeen
Issue Sixteen
Issue Fifteen
Issue Fourteen
Issue Thirteen
Issue Twelve
Issue Eleven
Issue Ten
Issue Nine
Issue Eight
Issue Seven
Issue Six
Issue Five
Issue Four
Issue Three
Issue Two
Issue One
Spec Recs