Speculative 66
Current Issue
Specters and Contributors
Issue Twenty Contributors
Issue Nineteen Contributors
Issue Eighteen Contributors
Issue Seventeen Contributors
Issue Sixteen Contributors
Issue Fifteen Contributors
Issue Fourteen Contributors
Issue Thirteen Contributors
Issue Twelve Contributors
Issue Eleven Contributors
Issue Ten Contributors
Issue Nine Contributors
Issue Eight Contributors
Issue Seven Contributors
Issue Six Contributors
Issue Five Contributors
Issue Four Contributors
Issue Three Contributors
Issue Two Contributors
Issue One Contributors
Past Issues
Audio Stories
Issue Twenty
Issue Nineteen
Issue Eighteen
Issue Seventeen
Issue Sixteen
Issue Fifteen
Issue Fourteen
Issue Thirteen
Issue Twelve
Issue Eleven
Issue Ten
Issue Nine
Issue Eight
Issue Seven
Issue Six
Issue Five
Issue Four
Issue Three
Issue Two
Issue One
Spec Recs
Issue Nineteen Contributors
Allen Ashley works as a creative writing tutor in north London, UK. He runs the advanced science fiction and fantasy group Clockhouse London Writers. He is the judge for the annual British Fantasy Society Short Story Competition. His story “Take Us To Your Leader” featured in “Speculative 66” issue 18. www.allenashley.com
Kerry E.B. Black skips through the land where George A. Romero made zombies a cultural statement. Steel runs through her veins, and bridges span rivers proverbial and actual. Please follow this First Reader for "Postcard Poems and Prose" and occasional anthology contributor at www.facebook.com, https://kerrylizblack.wordpress.com/, and https://twitter.com/BlackKerryblick
George J. Bryjak taught sociology at the University of San Diego for 24 years before moving to the Adirondack Park region of New York state with his wife, Diane. He is the co-author of four sociology textbooks and numerous scholarly articles. His one-act plays have been performed in New York, Buffalo, Los Angeles, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Providence, Denver, Tampa, Orlando, and Houston. Bryjak is the author of The Power of the Dark Goddess and Other Stories and Voices from the Civil War: North and South, Men and Women, Black and White
Michael Carter is a short fiction and creative nonfiction writer who grew up reading an odd combination of sci-fi and Louis L’Amour books. He’s also a ghostwriter in the legal profession and a Space Camp alum. He’s online at michaelcarter.ink and @mcmichaelcarter.
Kenny A. Chaffin writes poetry, fiction and nonfiction and has published work in Mobius: The Journal of Social Change, Adelaide, Microfiction Monday Magazine, 365 Tomorrows, Star*Line, Speculative 66, James Gunn’s Ad Astra, 101 Word Stories, and others. He grew up in southern Oklahoma and now lives in Denver where he works hard to support two cats, numerous wild birds and a bevy of squirrels. His poetry collections and other works are available at http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B007S3SMY8. More information at http://www.kacweb.com.
F. E. Clark lives in Scotland. She writes and paints. A Pushcart and Best of the Net nominee, read her words at: Molotov Cocktail Literary Magazine, Poems for All, Occulum, Moonchild Magazine, Ink In Thirds, Poems for All, Folded Word, Ellipsis Zine, Luna Luna Magazine, and The Wild Hunt. And in anthologies: Flashdogs Solstice and Calendark, and Nothing Is As It Was from Retreat West. Website: www.feclarkart.com | Twitter: @feclarkart
Harris Coverley lives in Manchester, England, where he works as a teaching assistant. He has had fiction published at Disclaimer Magazine, Microfiction Monday Magazine, The Drabble, and 50-Word Stories, and poetry in 50 Haikus. He blogs at: https://medium.com/@ha_coverley
Kristin Garth is a poet from Pensacola and a sonnet stalker. In addition to Speculative 66, her sonnets have stalked the pages of Luna Luna, Anti-Heroin Chic, Occulum, Fourth & Sycamore, TERSE. Journal, Drunk Monkeys, Ghost City Review and many more publications. Her chapbook Pink Plastic House is available at maverickduckpress.com. Follow her on Twitter: @lolaandjolie and her website kristingarth.wordpress.com
Rhys Hughes has lived in many different countries. He now works as a tutor of mathematics. His first book was published in 1995 and since that time he has published more than forty books and eight hundred short stories in ten different languages. @rhysaurus https://rhysaurus.blogspot.co.uk/
Herb Kauderer is an associate professor of English at Hilbert College, and the author of many short stories and poems including the recent mini-chapbook 'Cascade of Stardust'. His writing has been nominated for the Pushcart, Elgin, Analog AnLab Reader's, Rhysling, and Dwarf Star Awards, and has won the Asimov's Readers' Award, the Ewaipanoma Sonnet contest, and a WorldCon Poetry Slam among others. More can be found at his website HerbKauderer.com.
I. E. Kneverday is a writer of speculative fiction. His first book, The Woburn Chronicles: A Trio of Supernatural Tales Set in New England’s Most Mysterious City, is available now. You can read more of Kneverday’s microfiction on Medium.
Kimberly Nugent is a freelance editor and poet who calls the Sierra Nevadas home. Look for her poetry in Star*Line and Scifaikuest. For more updates, check her Twitter account. https://twitter.com/BlueTeaEditing
Joshua Scully is an American History teacher from Uniontown, Pennsylvania. His fiction can be found at www.jjscully.wordpress.com or @jojascully.
S.S. Sanderson (@SSSanderson2) writes flash fiction and lives a life that looks better on paper. He resides in rural Somerset County, Pennsylvania.
Joseph Sidari (www.josephsidari.com) writes from outside of Boston. He has been published in Daily Science Fiction, Brilliant Flash Fiction, and Third Flatiron’s Anthology, “Monstrosities.” He is a practicing physician, and has also been published in Medical Economics after being awarded Honorable Mention in their annual writing contest. He is patiently waiting for his agented novel, LITTLE GREEN MEN, to find a publisher.
Formerly an astronomer and more recently a research project manager working in an aerospace company, Vaughan Stanger now writes SF and fantasy fiction full-time. His stories have appeared in Daily Science Fiction, Abyss & Apex, Postscripts, Nature Futures, and Interzone, amongst others. He has published two collections of his fiction: Moondust Memories and Sons of the Earth & Other Stories. Follow his writing adventures at http://www.vaughanstanger.com or @VaughanStanger.
Alexander Stewart is a writer who lives in Massachusetts. As a writer who focuses on fiction and poetry, Alex has been published in Spires, a literary magazine at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts. Twitter handle: @HJXander18
Thomas Tilton’s fiction and poetry have appeared in 365 Tomorrows, Scifaikuest, Star*Line, Disturbed Digest, Failed Haiku, and Speculative 66. From Texas originally, he now resides in Michigan with his wife, two dogs, and a son on the way. Reach him at
[email protected]
Marty Weiss has had his stories published in a number of magazines, including “The Sun” and “The Good Old Days,” as well as in several regional newspapers and Sunday magazines. He is seeking a publisher for a recently completed historical novel.
Current Issue
Specters and Contributors
Issue Twenty Contributors
Issue Nineteen Contributors
Issue Eighteen Contributors
Issue Seventeen Contributors
Issue Sixteen Contributors
Issue Fifteen Contributors
Issue Fourteen Contributors
Issue Thirteen Contributors
Issue Twelve Contributors
Issue Eleven Contributors
Issue Ten Contributors
Issue Nine Contributors
Issue Eight Contributors
Issue Seven Contributors
Issue Six Contributors
Issue Five Contributors
Issue Four Contributors
Issue Three Contributors
Issue Two Contributors
Issue One Contributors
Past Issues
Audio Stories
Issue Twenty
Issue Nineteen
Issue Eighteen
Issue Seventeen
Issue Sixteen
Issue Fifteen
Issue Fourteen
Issue Thirteen
Issue Twelve
Issue Eleven
Issue Ten
Issue Nine
Issue Eight
Issue Seven
Issue Six
Issue Five
Issue Four
Issue Three
Issue Two
Issue One
Spec Recs