Speculative 66
Current Issue
Specters and Contributors
Issue Twenty Contributors
Issue Nineteen Contributors
Issue Eighteen Contributors
Issue Seventeen Contributors
Issue Sixteen Contributors
Issue Fifteen Contributors
Issue Fourteen Contributors
Issue Thirteen Contributors
Issue Twelve Contributors
Issue Eleven Contributors
Issue Ten Contributors
Issue Nine Contributors
Issue Eight Contributors
Issue Seven Contributors
Issue Six Contributors
Issue Five Contributors
Issue Four Contributors
Issue Three Contributors
Issue Two Contributors
Issue One Contributors
Past Issues
Audio Stories
Issue Twenty
Issue Nineteen
Issue Eighteen
Issue Seventeen
Issue Sixteen
Issue Fifteen
Issue Fourteen
Issue Thirteen
Issue Twelve
Issue Eleven
Issue Ten
Issue Nine
Issue Eight
Issue Seven
Issue Six
Issue Five
Issue Four
Issue Three
Issue Two
Issue One
Spec Recs
Issue Fifteen Contributors
Allen Ashley works as a creative writing tutor in north London, UK. He runs the advanced science fiction and fantasy group Clockhouse London Writers. He is the judge for the annual British Fantasy Society Short Story Competition. His story “Not” featured in “Speculative 66” issue 13. www.allenashley.com
C.B. Auder was raised long ago and far away by well-meaning cyborg Huns, and now takes great comfort from wearing a wool cap indoors and bathing irregularly. Find Aud on Twitter at @cb_auder.
Kerry E.B. Black skips through the land where George A. Romero made zombies a cultural statement. Steel runs through her veins, and bridges span rivers proverbial and actual. Please follow this First Reader for "Postcard Poems and Prose" and occasional anthology contributor at www.facebook.com, https://kerrylizblack.wordpress.com/, and https://twitter.com/BlackKerryblick
@brifrischu As a PhD student Britta writes about the “What is…?” of technology during the day. At night she writes about the “What if…?” Follow her @brifrischu https://www.wattpad.com/user/brifrischu
George J. Bryjak taught sociology at the University of San Diego for 24 years before moving to the Adirondack Park region of New York state with his wife, Diane. He is the co-author of four sociology textbooks and numerous scholarly articles. His one-act plays have been performed in New York, Buffalo, Los Angeles, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Providence, Denver, Tampa, Orlando and Houston. He is the author Voices From The Civil War: North and South, Men and Women, Black and White.
Kenny A. Chaffin writes poetry, fiction and nonfiction and has published poems and fiction in Microfiction Monday Magazine, 365 Tomorrows, Speculative 66, 101 Word Stories, James Gunn’s Ad Astra, Star*Line, nonfiction in The Writer, The Electron, Writers Journal and others. He grew up in southern Oklahoma and now lives in Denver, CO where he works hard to make enough of a living to support two cats, numerous wild birds and a bevy of squirrels. His poetry, fiction and other work is available at Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B007S3SMY8. He may be contacted through his website at http://www.kacweb.com.
David DeRuvo is an aspiring author, avid nerd, and licensed insurance agent. He enjoys experiencing stories in any form, and does his best and creating them. More of his works can be found at http://storiesarefun.wordpress.com
J.B. Forest (thecreepywriterpasta.wordpress.com) has been writing fiction and poetry all of their life. Located in an unknown part of the world, their aspiration in life is to write for the entertainment of the people.
Benjamin A. Friedman is from Northern New Jersey, the child of a Tai Chi-loving biophysicist and a Conservative Rabbi’s daughter; his personal religion as a child was dinosaurs and space aliens. He received his BA in English and Cinema Studies from the University of Pennsylvania in 2007, has had his fiction published in Everydayfiction, TheStoryShack, 365 Tomorrows and Sonic Boom (among others), and his major interests include philosophy, social justice, the history of civilization… and of course, paleontology and astrobiology. Twitter: https://twitter.com/FriedmaB
Karen Heslop writes from Kingston, Jamaica. Her stories have been published or are forthcoming in Bards and Sages Quarterly, Grievous Angel, Broadswords and Blasters and The Fifth Di among others. She tweets @kheslopwrites.
M. Irene Hill lives on the Canadian Prairies doing good things and growing her cat collection. Her stories and poetry have been published in print anthologies and online at 365 Tomorrows, Flash Fiction Magazine, Speculative 66 and Poetry Soup, with an upcoming bite-sized flash in Serious Flash Fiction. Follow her on Twitter @_Irene_Dreams_
Rhys Hughes has lived in many different countries. He now works as a tutor of mathematics. His first book was published in 1995 and since that time he has published more than forty books and eight hundred short stories in ten different languages. @rhysaurus https://rhysaurus.blogspot.co.uk/
Herb Kauderer is an associate professor of English at Hilbert College, and the author of many short stories and poems including the recent mini-chapbook 'Cascade of Stardust'. His writing has been nominated for the Pushcart, Elgin, Analog AnLab Reader's, Rhysling, and Dwarf Star Awards, and has won the Asimov's Readers' Award, the Ewaipanoma Sonnet contest, and a WorldCon Poetry Slam among others. More can be found at his website HerbKauderer.com.
Bob Lee is a senior communication’s major at Millersville University in Pennsylvania. He is looking to further his career in the communications field through radio. He enjoys music, sports, and writing. Inspired by authors J.K. Rowling and Veronica Roth, he is working on writing a book series of his own.
Asher Littlefield reads about history, science, and ethics. He lives with his wife in New Hampshire, where they hike and explore the mountains nearby, enjoying the sweeping views, the minuscule biology, and the joy of navigating the terrain.
S.H. Mansouri is a biologist and writer of all things fiction. You can find his work on Amazon and at his blog shmansouriblog.wordpress.com. You can also follow his defeats on twitter @ShawnMansouri.
Michael McGill is a UK-based poet who has recently had work published in Funhouse Magazine, HARTS & Minds, Underfoot Poetry, The Transnational, New Walk, HQ Magazine and Ink, Sweat and Tears.
Daniel Myers was born and raised in a small town of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. He is an avid consumer of outlandish entertainment, as well as a connoisseur of craft root beer. Dan became an Eagle Scout but forgot how to tie most of the knots. He also joined the Army National Guard to fly drones. Having graduated Millersville University in Winter of '17, he hopes to utilize his studies in broadcasting to be employed in a career field unrelated to journalism. In his writing, Dan likes to describe and expand on the weird worlds and immeasurable horrors/wonders that he dreams up on a regular basis.
Cindy O’Quinn writes dark poetry and stories while maintaining a simplistic lifestyle on an old homestead in the woods of northern Maine. Author of the spec fic novel, _Dark Cloud on Naked Creek_, and the dark poetry collection, _Return to Graveyard Dust_. Works published in Sanitarium Magazine, Bewildering Stories, Rat’s Ass Review, Moonchild Magazine, The Paragon Journal, Blood Moon Rising Magazine, and others. Active member - HWA Follow of Facebook for updates @CindyOQuinnWriter
Ahimaz Rajessh has been published with Liminality, The Airgonaut, formercactus, Occulum and Surreal Poetics besides many other zines. His fiction and poetry have been nominated for Best of the Net, Pushcart and Best Small Fictions.
Lora Rivera has two great passions—rock climbing and writing. Both involve ground-up grit and falling. Professionally, she’s worked as a literary agent, foster children’s biographer, and crepe maker. Now an e-learning developer, she is the senior editor of a climbing anthology. Find links to forthcoming and published stories at www.lorarivera.com.
Fred Rock lives in a small village in northwestern Wisconsin with his wife and kids as well as his dog Cletus and a cat who barfs all the time. By day, Fred trudges about the countryside reading electric meters. (Yes, it’s still a real thing.) By night, Fred busts out rad-ass fictional short stories as well as occasional poems and meandering observations like a real rocking rocker who knows how to rock! Can you even stand it? It’s out of control.
Len Saculla lives in London, UK. He has been a Pushcart Nominee. He has previously been published in British publications such as "Theaker's Quarterly", "BFS Journal", "Unspoken Water" and "Wordland"; as well as several American anthologies form Kind of a Hurricane Press. His story “hello, It’s Me” was in issue 14 of “Speculative 66”.
S.S. Sanderson (@SSSanderson2) writes flash fiction and lives a life that looks better on paper. He resides in rural Somerset County, Pennsylvania.
Joshua Scully is an American History teacher from Uniontown, Pennsylvania. His fiction can be found at www.jjscully.wordpress.com or @jojascully.
John W. Sexton lives in the Republic of Ireland and is a full-time writer and teacher of writing. His fifth poetry collection, The Offspring of the Moon, was published by Salmon Poetry in 2013. His sixth collection, Futures Pass, is forthcoming in May 2018. In 2007 he was awarded a Patrick and Katherine Kavanagh Fellowship in Poetry. His speculative poems and fictions are widely published and some have appeared in Apex, The Edinburgh Review, The Irish Times, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction and Strange Horizons. Some more of his work can be found here: http://www.mirrordancefantasy.com/search/label/john%20w.%20sexton
Ian Steadman is a writer from the south of England. His fiction appears in Black Static, Unsung Stories and The Year's Best Body Horror, amongst others. Find out more at www.iansteadman.com.
Current Issue
Specters and Contributors
Issue Twenty Contributors
Issue Nineteen Contributors
Issue Eighteen Contributors
Issue Seventeen Contributors
Issue Sixteen Contributors
Issue Fifteen Contributors
Issue Fourteen Contributors
Issue Thirteen Contributors
Issue Twelve Contributors
Issue Eleven Contributors
Issue Ten Contributors
Issue Nine Contributors
Issue Eight Contributors
Issue Seven Contributors
Issue Six Contributors
Issue Five Contributors
Issue Four Contributors
Issue Three Contributors
Issue Two Contributors
Issue One Contributors
Past Issues
Audio Stories
Issue Twenty
Issue Nineteen
Issue Eighteen
Issue Seventeen
Issue Sixteen
Issue Fifteen
Issue Fourteen
Issue Thirteen
Issue Twelve
Issue Eleven
Issue Ten
Issue Nine
Issue Eight
Issue Seven
Issue Six
Issue Five
Issue Four
Issue Three
Issue Two
Issue One
Spec Recs